Can I have a few more hours?

I thought I would take a quick opportunity to bring everyone up-to-date with what is going on. The cover art is still being created for “Dreams of Ivory and Gold.” As I discussed last time, this has been a very pleasant surprise that I have been asked for my opinion and kept in the loop on what is happening with the artwork. I am very excited to see what Rebecca comes up with at Angelic Knight.

I am also working as hard as possible on my WIP. I have been able to sit in the seat a couple of nights this week and produce some copy so that is good. It is just with the JOB this time of year – budgets, forecasts, meetings, etc. – I am still racking up the 60-hour weeks so most nights by the time I get home I am ready to eat and go to bed. But I have continued to make a concentrated effort to write at least a few words every night. The problem with that is that once I start typing, I often lose track of how tired I am and the clock so the next thing I know I have a short night of sleep staring at me. Which leads into the plea for just a few more hours (of sleep). The best news of all is that this book is coming together very nicely and, even though it is different than any other I have written before, I really like it and the characters. I hope to have the first draft done by mid-January. I will talk about it some more once I get closer to it being completed.

The timing is good because I talked briefly with the Angelic Knight folks this week about the second book in the Dreams series and they were excited about the prospect – no promises on publication – but excited about another book.

One work I have not spoken about recently is my YA novel, “Jacked.” It is with an agent in New York at the moment and I am waiting to hear about their plans. Hopefully I will know something after the holidays but New York really closes down for the next two weeks so I may need to wait longer.

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